Linda Cesari
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Codice Fiscale (C.F.) – Tax Identification Number (TIN) in Italy – and how to get one

Codice Fiscale (C.F.) – Tax Identification Number (TIN) in Italy – and how to get one

linda welchome
An Expert by your side

Buying proceedings and getting the basics right from the start

What is Codice Fiscale ?

Codice Fiscale (C.F.) Tax Identification Number (TIN) in Italy takes the form of a string of letters and numbers (based on personal data, name(s) surname(s), date of birth, place of birth and/or country of origin when you are not an Italian citizen.

What do you need it for?

It’s paramount to buying proceedings since Codice Fiscale identifies its holder officially in any transaction in Italy. It is UN-related to income and/or tax payments (by which I mean getting one does not automatically entails paying taxes in Italy YET you need a C.F. to enter contracts to buy homes, open bank accounts, set up utilities to name but the main activities for which you would need one.

Once acquired you can use it whenever required and necessary or keep it away and never use it with no consequences; if you lose it, you ask for a duplicate, if your status changes it can be updated easily.

Which department provides it in Italy ?

C.F./TIN is officially issued by our Agenzia Delle Entrate, namely by the Revenue Agency offices specifically listing this service among the ones available through them.

How do you actually get one when in Italy ?

By going to any Revenue Agency office here in Italy but you need to get organized in advance. Arranging to get one in Italy when you have dates and a place where you stay (so that checking on the office closest to you is possible) is fairly straightforward, quick and definitely economical (vs alternative ways that imply addressing Italian Consulates in the country where you reside). Here’s the main link to Agenzia delle Entrate relevant website in its English version:

When buying a home in Italy is a set plan, so buying is just a question of finding the home right for you, and hiring a licensed expert with proven international experience from the start! would be a very good move so that the entire process is and remains straightforward, safe and enjoyable, all you need to get your Codice Fiscale is your passport or any other valid ID, carry it with you on the day you go to the revenue agency office with which you would have booked an appointment in advance and explain when asked that you require one to buy real estate over here. The actual proceedings take generally 30 minutes.

You can check re which offices offer this service at: territorial office (here’s where you test your Italian! The English version is not available yet) and firm an appointment online. Book any appointment at least a week or two before your preferred dates. Online is quicker than over the phone, and you will get a written confirmation via e.mail to the address you will provide for this and which includes the reservation number and QR-code you need to show at the office employee when you go there to get your CF.

 What about the actual application form and how does it look like?

There you are 😊

Your personal details, your main address, nationality etc will be added in the relevant sections and in line with what your passport or id shows. You sign the one-page form in confirmation that the data there are correct hence the employee attending on you there shall release the official paper (it is an A/4 sheet of paper nowadays, for non-residents) that shows your Codice Fiscale and that you show whenever asked to.

Sounds great but … what if my Italian is not good enough or offices are closed when I am in Italy ?

Upon meeting, even form a distance in firming a meeting with me here in Umbria, I can help you directly since there is an office close to my Welchome’s where we can go for this together. You may have noticed already that the relevant application form has a section devoted to your naming someone who can submit the application for you once signed by you, on your behalf. This can be arranged following any meeting and relatively quickly. Once we meet this is easily organized from a distance too. Getting a CF through me and upon meeting, is still much easier, quicker and much more economical than addressing any Italian Consulate in the country where you reside, which would be the lengthy, expensive and convoluted third option to getting one here or from here.

Getting yourself a Codice Fiscale Tax identification number should show on top of any to-do list once the decision re buying in Italy is set. Holding a CF enables you to take formal stances on any property you chose, anytime, anywhere and at ANY level of undertakings, preliminary and notarized, even from a distance! All the parties in any real estate contracts over here need being identified through Codice FIscale, there are formalities that follow the signing that cannot do away with your CF showing. An expert by your side that makes the entire process easy, safe and enjoyable for you is ideal if not paramount but here are the basics from this expert though evidently this is not nor can be a substitute for ad hoc advice which you get when hiring me as part of my services.

Devoting time to Codice Fiscale on any next trip to Italy is a smart move and there is no quicker or cheaper way to get one than getting it when you are over here.

Get the basics right from the start and see you when in Italy. If you praise qualified professional advice and quality in homes and locations you cannot miss on us. 😊

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welchomeLinda Cesari

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