Homes Consultancy Umbria! My WelcHome, Agenzia Immobiliare Welchome di Cesari Linda, is a synonym for quality in homes, locations and consultancy in and from Umbria since 2005. Welchome is THE real estate agency for your real estate needs and preferences if you privilege qualified professional consultancy, a straightforward approach and whenever ‘mutual trust’ sounds familiar.
I specialize in advising and assisting international clients at all levels by also offering ad hoc consultancies. I focus on quality homes and locations. I provide a service that focuses on you at also making sure you understand processes in a language that you master or know well.
WelcHome changes its skin from time to time but not its essence. It is and remains your technical key to open any door in quality real estate. Welchome for Umbrian quality homes and locations. Welchome for quality consultancy from Umbria. High professional standards.
I am here for you to help you sell, buy and/or renovate your inspiring Italian home as your expert in real estate and technical key!
I qualified as real estate consultant (agente di affari in mediazione) under Italian Law in 2004 to enroll with the Chamber of Commerce of Perugia, with license number PG 242152-2005, in 2005 so as to set WelcHome up and here I am to help and advise you at all levels.
Passion for inspiring homes and locations was what made me opt for this profession after graduating in Trieste as interpreter/translator for English and Spanish and managing international contracts for a large company. Passion is still here, 25 years since I translated my first contract on building works. This passion is matched by a solid experience in international negotiations, contracts as well as laws, regulations and taxation in real estate.
I am skilled, trustworthy and focussed. With my Welchome, I am here for you, in Umbria and from Umbria.
Through my WelcHome, I grant qualified professional advice and services with a friendly approach.
I provide the legal framework and professional advice and support you need to relax while evaluating options and taking important decisions.
‘We are in this together’ is something you hear me say often, since it is you and me together that make it possible to reach the set objective of selling, buying and/or renovating your perfect home, in Umbria and central Italy.
Integer, qualified real estate consultants exist! and You certainly have one in me.
A selected network of qualified and experienced professionals help me meet all your needs in total relaxation for you.
Here we go! With my WelcHome, I make things happen for you, easily, safely and happily.
La mia Welchome, Welchome di Cesari Linda, Agenzia immobiliare Welchome, è l’agenzia immobiliare con cui offro un servizio internazionale di consulenze immobiliari a 360 gradi.
Da quando ho mosso i primi passi in questo settore nel ’97 ad oggi sono trascorsi oltre 20 anni. La passione è quella degli inizi, l’esperienza è solida e l’entusiasmo si rinnova ad ogni nuova proposta, richiesta, ricerca. Faccio sempre la differenza per coloro che si affidano a me, conosco il mio lavoro e lo faccio con passione, determinazione e fornendo un servizio di consulenze che si basa su uno studio approfondito degli immobili, delle leggi e dei regolamenti che governano il settore immobiliare, per altro, in costante evoluzione.
Da quando vi rivolgete a me, e potete farlo anche per consulenze ad hoc, a quando arriviamo al risultato prefissato, potete contare su una professionista affidabile, preparata e presente e una struttura forte anche di collaborazioni con tecnici e avvocati selezionati e testati nel tempo.
Il servizio che offro con la mia Welchome è cio’ di cui avete bisogno per vendere, acquistare e/o ristrutturare immobili di qualità, evitando brutte sorprese.
Con la mia Welchome sono qui per voi. Dedicate tempo a selezionare il professionista che vi puo’ meglio tutelare in un percorso articolato di vendita e/o acquisto,. Avere dalla vostra parte un consulente che fa’ i vostri interessi, che vi sa consigliare e guidare in base agli stessi e’ una mossa vincente !per ottimizzare gli investimenti di tempo e denaro.
Be Umbrier and Happier
Easily, safely, happily with my Welchome